The French Revolution Study Choice Board

  1. 2. What were Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette tried for after they tried to flee the country?
  2. 7. What was stormed when the residents of Paris got nervous and wanted to acquire weapons?
  3. 11. This was one of the three main classes that made up the third estate which supported the Enlightenment.
  4. 12. This group of men and women made the French Revolution more radical.
  5. 13. This group of people comprised the second estate which paid no taxes and had mixed feelings about the Enlightenment.
  6. 15. This is what comprised the third estate which paid little taxes and was against taxing the second estate.
  7. 19. This group of ideas was acted upon by the third estate which set the French Revolution into motion.
  8. 21. What court was used to take an oath that ensured the national assembly would meet anywhere to get a new constitution?
  9. 22. This was a meeting of the three estates to discuss political issues and each estate had one vote.
  10. 25. What is a person who flees their country due to political reasons called?
  11. 27. The middle class and was part of the third estate and paid higher taxes.
  12. 28. Who promoted Freedom of speech, press, and religion?
  13. 29. This kind of government ended the French monarchy with the creation of the national assembly.
  1. 1. What were members of a revolutionary political club made during the French Revolution called?
  2. 3. This Louis was a weak king who reigned from 1774 to 1792.
  3. 4. What riot marched to Versailles and forced the king back to Paris over the rising cost of bread?
  4. 5. This happens when a government spends more money than it takes in. ______ Spending
  5. 6. What did the third estate want that was another cornerstone in the social issues of the French Revolution?
  6. 8. After King Louis's failed escape attempt in June 1971 he was called this.
  7. 9. This man led during the Reign of Terror.
  8. 10. What item's rising cost was a cornerstone in the causation of the French Revolution?
  9. 14. This man promoted life, liberty, and property, a similar phrase to the one put on the Declaration of the Rights of Man that was life, liberty, and security. John _____
  10. 16. percent of people killed during the Reign of Terror were part of what is originally the third estate.
  11. 17. What is the word the French used to mean social class?
  12. 18. The group of people after the split in the legislative assembly.
  13. 20. these types of issues cause social unrest and resulted from years of deficit spending examples of this were the 7yrs War and the American Civil War.
  14. 23. What bladed execution device used during the French Revolution up to 1977 features an angled blade and a clamp to hold the head in place that was thought to be more humane than the typical axe or sword method.
  15. 24. This system of government has officials selected by the people.
  16. 26. This was when panic spread through France because rumors spread causing people to act like criminals. Great _____