The Functional of Respiratory System

  1. 1. mucosa inside trachea, there are.....which lined at the trachea wall.
  2. 7. inflammation of the pleurae can be caused by.....secretion of the pleural fluid.
  3. 9. .....exerted on the lungs when the pleurae produce excessive amounts of fluid.
  4. 10. epiglottis is the pharynx.
  5. 11. muscle a smooth muscle that located nest to esophagus and posteriorly of trachea.
  6. 13. we use taste food.
  7. 14. the pleurae are strongly resist being.....apart.
  8. 16. dome-shaped muscle that separated the chest from the abdomen.
  9. 19. maneuver a procedure which our own lungs expel the food that prevent airway to our lungs and save people's life.
  10. 22. insufficient secretion of the pleural fluid causes the pleural surfaces become dry and.....
  11. 24. ducts tiny ducts that connect the respiratory bronchiles to alveolar sacs is called.....
  12. 25. juices foods that we eat swallowed and digested by.....
  13. 26. space the tiny area between two layers of pleura.
  14. 28. cartilage largest hyaline cartilage is.....
  15. 29. voice box play role in speech and routes.....and foods into the proper channel.
  16. 30. apple thyroid cartilage which protrudes anteriorly also known as.....
  1. 2. surgical opening of trachea known as.....
  2. 3. a person who had done tracheostomy will produce huge amount it needs to be suctioned frequently.
  3. 4. the lungs flask mediastinal structure laterally in.....view.
  4. 5. vocal folds allows us to speak.
  5. 6. muscles that run between the ribs is called.....muscle.
  6. 8. gland that located between lungs.
  7. 12. .....enzymes in the mucus destroy bacteria chemically.
  8. 15. component that encloses the thoracic cavity which contains the lungs.
  9. 17. trunk major vessel of the human heart that originates from the right ventricle.
  10. 18. cold viruses and various allergens can cause.....
  11. 20. reflex .....will trigger if anything other than air enter the larynx to prevent anything other than air enter the lungs.
  12. 21. inflammation of the pleurae.
  13. 23. part of the larynx consisting of the vocal cords and the opening between them known as.....
  14. 27. when we swallow a large piece of food the open part of rings abut the esophagus and allow it to.....