The Functional Of Respiratory System

  1. 4. the walls of the alveoli are composed largely of a....., thin layer of simple squamous epithelial cells.
  2. 6. the function of lysozyme enzymes in the mucus is to destroy.....
  3. 10. nasopharynx is when air enter the.....portion.
  4. 12. efficient alveolar macrophages wander in and out of the alveoli picking up bacteria, carbon.....and other debris.
  5. 15. the ciliated cells of the nasal mucosa create a gentle current that moves the sheet of contaminated mucous.....toward the throat .
  6. 17. thin-walled veins.....the air as it flows past.
  7. 19. sticky mucus produce by this mucosa's gland moistens the air and.....incoming bacteria and other foreign debris.
  8. 21. the.....surfaces of alveoli are covered with a cobweb of pulmonary capillaries.
  9. 23. two.....tonsils lie at the base of the tongue.
  10. 24. nasal conchae is also called.....
  11. 26. the nasal septum is structure of the nose.
  12. 27. .....diffuses from the alveolar air across this membrane into the pulmonary capillary blood.
  13. 28. the total gas exchange surface provided by the alveolar walls of is estimated to be 50-70 square metres.
  14. 30. sacs alveolar pores connect neighboring.....
  1. 1. walls the thinnest walls in respiratory system.
  2. 2. mucous membrane is a wet or.....membrane.
  3. 3. the lateral walls of the nasal cavity are uneven, owing to three mucosa-covered projections or lobes, called.....
  4. 5. the main bronchi subdivide into smaller branches and smaller branches. one of the branches is called the.....bronchi.
  5. 7. cilia keep the.....clear of mucus and dirt, allowing us to breathe easily without irritation.
  6. 8. the cells produce a.....called surfactant.
  7. 9. cavity the nasal cavity and.....separated by a partition, called palate..
  8. 11. the single.....tonsils often called adenoid.
  9. 13. stroma allows the lungs to.....and recoil as we breathe.
  10. 14. alveolar pores connect neighboring air sacs and provide alternative.....for air to reach alveoli.
  11. 16. the nasal mucosa is continuous throughout the respiratory tract and extend.....
  12. 18. oxygen diffuses from the alveolar air across this membrane into the pulmonary capillary.
  13. 20. the alveolar and capillary walls, their fused basement membrane and occasional elastic fibers construct the respiratory.....
  14. 22. when we inhale, our chest will goes.....
  15. 25. alveolar pores provide alternative routes for air to reach alveolar whose feeder bronchioles have mucus.
  16. 29. the walls of the alveoli are composed largely of a single,.....layer of simple squamous epithelial cells.