  1. 3. the lungs weight only abput 2 1/2 ...
  2. 8. trachea and the primary bronchi are refered to the ... tree
  3. 10. the cilia propel this mucus that loaded with dust particles and debris away from ...
  4. 11. cilia can be extremely destroyed if someone had ... habits
  5. 12. ... palate provides space for the tongue to move freely and supplies a rigid floor to the nasal cavity
  6. 15. the walls of the alveoli are composed largely of a simple , thin layer of simple squamous ... cells
  7. 16. failure of the bone forming the palate to fuse medially
  8. 19. air enters the nose by passing through ...
  9. 21. the only way to prevent mucus from entering the lungs if someone loss their cilis is by ...
  10. 23. tiny balloon shaped structure known as ...
  11. 24. respiratory zone is the only site of gas ...
  12. 25. muscular passageway that 12 cm long called
  13. 26. ... ducts is where drain tears from the eyes
  14. 28. smell receptors located in mucosa called ... receptors
  15. 30. soft palate and ... move together to close off nasopharynx during swallowing food
  1. 1. rhinitis cause by various allergens and ... viruses
  2. 2. lungs are soft and ...
  3. 4. the only externally visble part of the respiratory system
  4. 5. ... is mainly elastic connective tissue that allows the lungs to strech and recoil
  5. 6. the respiratory ... includes that respiratory bronchioles , alveolar ducts , alveolar sacs and alveoli
  6. 7. the smallest of the conducting passagewas is called ...
  7. 9. the lungs are mostly ...
  8. 13. ... cartilage help to provide attachment for muscles that involved in opening & closing the airway and in voice production
  9. 14. there are millions of the clustered alveoli which resemble brunches of ...
  10. 17. an unpaired bone in the small that seperated the nasal cavity from the brain
  11. 18. the ... cells produce mucus inside the trachea
  12. 20. the pharynx has ... regions
  13. 22. ... sinus located in the upper posterior wall of nasal cavity
  14. 27. inside the trachea , the ... beat all the harmful particles continuously in superios direction
  15. 29. mucosa's gland produced sticky ...