The Functional Of Respiratory System

  1. 2. Nasopharynx is when air enters the ...
  2. 5. The ... part of lung has 3 lobes
  3. 8. The ... Playrole in protecting body against respiratory and gastrintestinal infectious
  4. 9. The only way to prevent mucus from entering the lungs if someone loss their cilia is by ...
  5. 10. ... provides space for the tounge to move freely
  6. 11. Carbon dioxide ... from the pulmonary blood into the alveolus
  7. 12. ... are a pair of soft tissue masses located at the rear of the throat
  8. 15. Insufficient secretion of the pleural fluids causes the pleural surfaces become ... and rough
  9. 19. scattered amid the epithelial cells that form most of the alveolar walls are ... surfactant-secreting cells
  10. 21. Trachea and the two primary bronchi are reffered to the ...
  11. 23. The unsupported posterior part of palate is ...
  12. 26. Alveolar walls ... 40 times greater tender surface area of one skin
  13. 27. The only externally visible part of the respiratory system
  14. 28. When we inhale the ... will fill up the entire lung
  15. 29. The narrow superior portion of each lung
  16. 30. ... exerted on the lung when the pleurae produce excessive amount of fluid
  1. 1. The nasal septum is the ... support structure of the nose
  2. 3. Major vessel of the human hard that originates from the right ventrical
  3. 4. Inside trachea , there are ...mucosa which lined at the trachea wall
  4. 6. What are the components that retains the shape of the trachea ...
  5. 7. The thinnes walls in the respiratory system
  6. 13. Third part of pharynx ...
  7. 14. The pleural membranes produce ...
  8. 16. Nasal conchae is also called ...
  9. 17. The ciliated cells of the nasal mucosa create a gentle current that moves the sheet of contiminated mucus ... toward the throat
  10. 18. Thyroid cartilage which protude anteriorly also known as ...
  11. 20. Failure of the bones forming the palate to fuse medially
  12. 22. Food is directed into the esophagus posteriorly by a flapped called the ...
  13. 24. Wind pipe known as ...
  14. 25. We use our ... to taste food