The Functional of Respiratory System

  1. 3. MUCUS mucosa's gland produce....
  2. 5. each lung is divided into lobes by .....
  3. 6. MEDIA ..... is another name for a middle ear infection
  4. 8. respiratory zone is the only side of gas....
  5. 10. surgical opening of trachea known as.....
  6. 11. the pharynx has.... regions
  7. 13. the most age group that will get tonsilitis is ....
  8. 16. first part of pharynx
  9. 17. lungs occupy the entire .... cavity except for the most central area
  10. 18. alveolar pores provide.... routes for air to reach alveoli
  11. 21. the function of lisozyme enzyme in the mucus is to destroy.....
  12. 24. the external surfaces of the alvioli are covered with a .... of pulmonary capilary
  13. 25. excess nasal drainage is called ..... nose.
  14. 27. the walls of the alveoli are composed largely of a..... thin layer of simple squamous epithelial cells
  15. 28. the total gas exchange surface provided by the alveolar walls of a ..... man is estimated to be 50-70 metre square
  1. 1. the lung weight only about 2 1/2.......
  2. 2. PLEURA the other name of visceral serosa of lung
  3. 4. dome-shaped muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen
  4. 7. the men bronchi subdivide into smaller branches and smaller branches. one of the branches is called the .... bronchi
  5. 9. ...... sinus located in the upper posterior wall of nasal cavity
  6. 10. the nasal mucosa is continues through out the respiratory tract and extend .....
  7. 12. ..... is difficult to treat and can cause marked changes in voice quality
  8. 14. part of the larynx consisting of the vocal cords and the opening between them known as.....
  9. 15. epiglottis is located inferior to the .....
  10. 19. the respiratory membrane also called the air-blood .....
  11. 20. small pores .... may neighbouring alveoli
  12. 22. windpipe known as.....
  13. 23. component that encloses the thoracic cavity which contain the lung
  14. 26. the cilia propel this mucus that loaded with dust particles and debris away from ....