The Functional of Respiratory System

  1. 5. oxygen difuses form the alveolar air across the membrane into the pulmonary capillary....
  2. 7. muscle that run between the ribs is called.....muscle
  3. 8. function of surfactant is to coats the gas-exposed alveolar.....
  4. 10. serousa the surface of each lung is covered with its own.....
  5. 12. air enters the nose by passing through the....
  6. 18. rhinitis cause by various allergens and....
  7. 19. food is directed into the esophagus posteriorly by a flapped called....
  8. 20. smell receptor located in the mucosa called.....receptors
  9. 23. lower respiratory track is those from the trachea to the....
  10. 24. ..... muscle is a smooth muscle that located next to esophagus and posteriorly of trachea
  11. 26. thin-walled veins....the air as it flows past
  12. 27. voice box known as....
  13. 28. plueral fluid allows the lungs to glide easily over the.....wall during breathing
  14. 29. gland that located between lung
  1. 1. vocal folds will.... to allow us to speak
  2. 2. another name of blood cells also known as....
  3. 3. the alveoli and capillary walls, their fused basement membranes and occasional elastic fibers construct the respiratory.....
  4. 4. alveolar.... connect neighbouring air sacs and provide alternative routes for air to reach alveoli
  5. 6. inflammation of the pleurae can be cause by.....secretion of plueral fluid
  6. 9. the walls of the alveoli are composed largely of a single, thin layer of simple squamous.. .cells
  7. 11. dioxide the chemical that difused out form alveoli is......
  8. 13. efficient alveolar....wander in and out of the alveoli picking up the bacteria, carbon particles and other debris.
  9. 14. soft palate and.... move together to close of nasopharynx during swallowing food
  10. 15. the respiratory membrane has.....past on one side and blood on the other
  11. 16. division of trachea known as.....
  12. 17. drip the results in nasal congestion and.....produced by excessive mucos
  13. 21. inside the trachea, the....beat all the harmful particles continuously in superior direction
  14. 22. voice box play role in speech and routes.... into the proper channel
  15. 25. stroma allow the lungs to.....and recoil as we breathe