The Functional Of Respiratory System

  1. 2. the alveolar and capillary walls , their fused basement membrane and occasional elastic ... construct the respiratory membrane
  2. 4. food is directed into the ... instead of entering the larynx
  3. 8. mucus membrane of the larynx called ...
  4. 9. the power stroke is the cilia directed ... toward the mouth
  5. 10. the ... produced mucus inside the trachea
  6. 11. a person who had done tracheostomi will produce huge amount of ... so it need to be suctioned frequently
  7. 14. inflammation of the pleurae
  8. 18. ... is where drain tears from the eyes
  9. 19. the lung are mostly ...
  10. 21. visceral serosa of lung is called ...
  11. 22. the thinnes of their walls is like a sheet of tissue paper is much ...
  12. 23. the respiratory ... includes the respiratory bronchiles , alveolar ducts , alveolar sacs and alveoli
  13. 25. the broad lung area resting on the diaphragm
  14. 27. efficient alveolar macrophages wander in and out of the alveoli picking up bacteria , carbon ... and other debris
  15. 30. the balance of the lung tissue, its stroma is many elastic connective ... that allow the lung to strecth and recoil
  1. 1. fused basement membrane thin is because to ease the ... process
  2. 3. pleural fluids causes the two plueral ... to clean together
  3. 5. it houses hard , the great blood vessel , bronchi , esophagus and other organ
  4. 6. largest hyaline cartilages ...
  5. 7. the external surfaces of the alveoli are covered with a cobweb of pulmonary ...
  6. 12. ... will trigger if anything other than air enter the larynx
  7. 13. the conchae increase the ... in the nasal cavity
  8. 15. ... are located at the back of the throat
  9. 16. the lung flask mediastinal structures laterally in ... view
  10. 17. ... is when air enters the superior portion
  11. 20. alveolar pores connect neighbouring air sacs and provide alternative ... for air to reach alveoli
  12. 24. the cells produced a ... called surfactant
  13. 26. alveolar walls approximately 40 times ... than the surface of one skin
  14. 28. the walls of the alveoli are composed largely of a single , ... layer of simple squamous epithelial cells
  15. 29. the respiratory membran has ... flowing pass on one side and blood flowing pass on the other side