The Fundamentals of Chemistry

  1. 5. elements in groups 3 to 12
  2. 7. opposite of metals; right of the periodic table
  3. 11. an accurate model of an electron's place
  4. 12. atoms of the same element that have a different number of neutrons
  5. 13. elements 90 to 103 in periodic table
  6. 14. combination of protons and neutrons
  7. 15. elements in group 17
  8. 18. a change in the amount of an atom's protons
  9. 21. number of protons in a nucleus
  10. 23. elements with properties of metals and nonmetals
  11. 24. horizontal row in the periodic table
  1. 1. elements 58 to 71 in the periodic table
  2. 2. an uncharged particle
  3. 3. when an atom loses an electron
  4. 4. earth metals in group 2
  5. 6. inert gases in group 18
  6. 8. vertical column in the periodic table
  7. 9. process by which atoms produce energy
  8. 10. positively charged particle
  9. 13. reactive metals in group 1
  10. 16. a negatively charged particle
  11. 17. when an atom gains an electron
  12. 19. formed when an atom loses or gains an electron
  13. 20. the approximate mass of a proton or neutron
  14. 22. elements that are shiny and good conductors