The Galaxy and The Solar System

  1. 3. Made of Dust, Ice, and Rocks
  2. 7. Year Distance light travels in one year.
  3. 9. Larger and made up of Gas and Dust ( Rings Only)
  4. 10. The Red Planet.
  5. 11. Equipment use to view moon, stars, planets, and etc.
  6. 12. Our Galaxy.
  7. 13. Blue colored planets with more rings than others.
  8. 15. Consist of gas, dust, and many stars.
  9. 17. Small, rocky planet with varity of life.
  10. 18. Not a planet and make its own energy.
  1. 1. Dwarf Planet.
  2. 2. Bright planet and have rings that are not easy to see.
  3. 4. Number of planets in the solar system (Not including the dwarf planet)
  4. 5. Space Rocks
  5. 6. The Great Red Spot.
  6. 8. Smaller and made up of Rocky surface. (No Rings)
  7. 12. Look like a moon, with many craters on its surface.
  8. 14. Second largest planet with very bright rings.
  9. 16. Second planet of the inner planets.