The Gift of the Nile

  1. 1. The types of lands created by the floods (also a colour)
  2. 4. Where the Nile River was located
  3. 5. The people from Egypt
  4. 11. What is recorded about the past
  5. 13. An historian who studies ancient history through the analysis of artefacts
  6. 16. The device used for measuring the height of the river
  7. 17. The height of the Nile River floods
  8. 18. The Nile River did this once per year
  1. 2. An adjective describing a civilisation that existed thousands of years ago
  2. 3. The Nile was one of these
  3. 6. The seed time
  4. 7. Shallow channels dug around the Nile River for farming
  5. 8. Someone who studies the past
  6. 9. The events that occurred before the present
  7. 10. The harvest time
  8. 12. A noun meaning a society's advanced stage of development
  9. 14. The flood season
  10. 15. An adjective describing good soil for farming