The Gilded Age Review

  1. 1. A period of time where workers do not work in order to get their demands met by the employer.
  2. 5. This railroad connected the east and the west for the first time in U.S. history.
  3. 9. The area of the country that saw the most urbanization and immigration.
  4. 10. The development of major cities.
  5. 12. Term for anti-immigration feelings held by the Know Nothing Party and other groups.
  6. 13. A word that describes factory working conditions during the Gilded Age.
  7. 15. America's most famous inventor (light bulb, phonograph, etc.)
  8. 16. Cheap, unsafe apartment buildings in major cities.
  9. 18. U.S. Steel owner who used vertical integration.
  1. 2. The name of large monopoly owners who used exploitative practices.
  2. 3. America was seen as a ____ _____ of cultures.
  3. 4. Most immigrants that came to the U.S. to work on the railroads were from this country.
  4. 6. A type of business that dominates an entire industry.
  5. 7. A word to describe living conditions in the large cities during the Gilded Age.
  6. 8. These organizations were created to advocate for the rights of workers.
  7. 11. The ___ Exclusion Act banned all immigrants from there.
  8. 14. The ____ brothers invented the first functioning airplane.
  9. 17. Island on which immigrants from Europe were processed.
  10. 19. He became the richest man in the world through his company Standard Oil using horizontal integration.
  11. 20. __________ Europe was where the majority of immigrants who lived on the east coast came from.