The Gilded Age People

  1. 5. Black American who believed that blacks should accept segregation and better themselves through education and job skills before trying to gain rights.
  2. 10. 17th President of the United States (1865-1869), an old-fashioned southern Jacksonian Democrat of pronounced states’ rights views.
  3. 14. 23rd President of the United States (1889-1893), American lawyer and politician.
  4. 15. Journalist, lecturer, and civil rights militant best known for her crusade against lynching and her efforts to expose violence against blacks.
  5. 16. Scottish-born industrialist who developed the U.S. steel industry. Mastered vertical integration to build his monopoly and limit competition and funded many libraries.
  6. 17. An Oglala Sioux Indian chief who fought against removal to a reservation in the Black Hills. He united with Chief Sitting Bull for the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
  7. 18. 18th president of the United States(1869-1877), American military officer and politician.
  8. 20. United States lawyer and politician who advocated free silver.
  9. 21. Formed the American Railway Union in 1892 and led the Pullman strike.
  10. 22. Published “The History of the Standard Oil Company” she revealed the illegal means used by John D. Rockefeller to monopolize the early oil industry.
  11. 23. Journalist and social reformer who publicized the crises in housing, education, and poverty in New York City in the late nineteenth century.
  12. 24. American historian; said that humanity would continue to progress as long as there was new land to move into.
  1. 1. A U.S. commander in wars against Native Americans over control of the Great Plains. He led his men in the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
  2. 2. 22nd and 24th president of the United States (1885-1889), Democrat who achieved the Interstate Commerce Commission and civil service reform.
  3. 3. 19th president of the United States(1877-1881), part of the Hayes-Tilden election, the most corrupt election in US history.
  4. 4. United States labor leader who was president of the American Federation of Labor from 1886 to 1924.
  5. 6. 25th president of the United States (1897-1901), responsible for the Spanish-American War and Philippine-American War, and was assassinated by an anarchist.
  6. 7. 20th president of the United States(1881), Republican, was assassinated by Charles Julius Guiteau after a few months.
  7. 8. The leader of the Sioux warriors who defeated General George Armstrong Custer's force in the battle of Little Big Horn.
  8. 9. An investment banker who channeled European capital into America and grew into a financial power and controlled one-sixth of the nation's railway system.
  9. 11. The founder of Hull House
  10. 12. 21st president of the United States (1881-1885), became president after Garfield was assassinated.
  11. 13. An American industrialist and philanthropist who revolutionized the petroleum industry and modern philanthropy.
  12. 19. He believed that African Americans should strive for full rights immediately. He also helped found the NAACP and earned a Ph.D. from Harvard.