The gluteal region

  1. 1. roots of sciatic nerve
  2. 4. the medial/lateral plantar nerves digital branches supply the _______ surface of the foot
  3. 6. the nerve supply of piriformis
  4. 8. this lies between obturator internus at the lesser sciatic notch
  5. 10. nerve supplying first dorsal web space and adjacent sides of 1st and 2nd toes
  6. 11. the insertion of piriformis is on the ________ aspect of the upper surface of the greater trochanter
  7. 12. origins of the superior/inferior gemelli
  8. 13. nerve roots of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
  9. 14. greater trochanteric pain syndrome presents with unaffected joint movement but ______ hip pain
  10. 15. this structure accompanies the sciatic nerve in the gluteal region
  11. 16. direction of fibres of quadratus femoris
  1. 2. structure lying between gluteus medius and minimus
  2. 3. the position at which sciatic nerve usually separates
  3. 5. obturator internus inserts ______ the trochanteric fossa
  4. 7. the sciatic nerve exits the _______ midway between the ischial tuberosity and gluteal tuberosity.
  5. 9. nerve supplying digital branches to the toes except first dorsal web space
  6. 13. this structure exits the pelvis midway between PSIS and ischial tuberosity