The Gods, and Titans

  1. 1. God of war.
  2. 3. Titan of the sun and oaths.
  3. 5. Virgin goddess of the hunt.
  4. 7. Goddess of marriage, women, and childbirth.
  5. 8. Goddess of Love.
  6. 10. Titan leader.
  7. 12. Titaness of the moon.
  8. 14. Titan of light.
  9. 15. Virgin goddess of the hearth.
  10. 19. Titan of mortality.
  11. 20. God of the heavens and man.
  12. 21. Goddess of the dangers of the ocean.
  1. 1. God of music, knowledge, poetry, and plague.
  2. 2. God of the sea and earthquakes.
  3. 4. God of the underworld.
  4. 6. Titan that carries the burden of the sky.
  5. 7. God of the forge and fire.
  6. 8. Goddess of intelligence, peace, and battle strategy.
  7. 9. God of travel, communication, and language.
  8. 10. Titan of time.
  9. 11. Goddess of the night.
  10. 13. God of wine, madness, and chaos.
  11. 16. Titaness of dawn.
  12. 17. From which everything came also called a void.
  13. 18. Goddess of grain and agriculture.