The Good Earth Vocab List

  1. 3. He lived a _____ lifestyle, always looking for ways to save money and avoid unnecessary expenses.
  2. 4. The artist's latest work demonstrated a remarkable _________ in technique and style.
  3. 6. His ___________ toward her were charming, filled with compliments and small acts of kindness.
  4. 9. The recipe called for a _____ cup of sugar, just enough to sweeten the dish without overwhelming the other flavors.
  5. 13. He had to ____ through the thick mud, each step feeling heavier than the last.
  6. 14. The garden was __________ in the spring, bursting with vibrant flowers and lush greenery.
  7. 15. The farmers used a ____ to join the two oxen together, allowing them to plow the field more efficiently.
  8. 16. It was deemed _______ for the guests to dress formally for the wedding ceremony.
  9. 17. In the right conditions, hard work and dedication can _____ success and opportunities.
  10. 18. The vegetation in the desert was _____, with only a few hardy plants surviving in the arid conditions.
  11. 22. As they winnowed the barley, the _____ was blown away, leaving behind the valuable grains for storage.
  12. 24. The crew became ________ after months of harsh conditions and little pay.
  13. 26. They chose to _____ at the park for a while, enjoying the pleasant weather before heading home.
  14. 27. His _________ in the meeting shocked his colleagues, who expected more respect.
  15. 30. The farmer used a ______ to beat the harvested crops, ensuring that the grains would fall free from the husks.
  16. 31. She looked at the dismissive comment with ________, refusing to engage further.
  17. 32. When asked to speak at the event, she decided to _____, preferring to let others take the spotlight.
  18. 33. She tended to _______ over her mistakes, often replaying them in her mind.
  19. 35. The mother tried to _____ her shy child into joining the other kids at the playground.
  20. 36. The speakers stood on the ____, ready to address the eager audience.
  21. 37. His ______ demeanor contrasted sharply with the lively atmosphere of the party.
  22. 39. The soldiers ate a thin _____ for breakfast, as rations were scarce.
  23. 40. He spoke _______ about his recent travels, sharing every detail with enthusiasm that captivated his audience.
  24. 42. The restaurant served an ________ meal that was both visually stunning and delicious.
  25. 44. The team began to ______ the harvested grain, using the wind to blow away the chaff and leave only the clean seeds.
  26. 45. After the harvest, the farmers worked tirelessly to ______ the wheat, separating the grains from the stalks.
  1. 1. She decided to _____ ignorance about the surprise party, pretending she had no idea what her friends were planning.
  2. 2. The artist sought to ________ her emotions into vibrant colors on the canvas.
  3. 5. The athlete reached the ______ of her career when she won the gold medal at the Olympics.
  4. 7. The dancer’s ________ allowed her to perform intricate moves with grace and ease.
  5. 8. The swan _____ gracefully across the lake, leaving ripples in its wake.
  6. 10. The sudden announcement caused ____________ among the employees, leaving them unsure of their future.
  7. 11. The __________ requests for donations eventually wore down even the most reluctant contributors.
  8. 12. His _______ disregard for the rules left everyone in disbelief.
  9. 19. The crowd erupted in _________ when their team scored the winning goal.
  10. 20. The _________ tone in her voice made it clear that she was unhappy with the service at the restaurant.
  11. 21. He pursued his dream of becoming an author _________, writing every day despite numerous rejections.
  12. 23. After years of hard work, her dreams finally came to ________ when she opened her own bakery.
  13. 25. Despite the chaos around him, he remained ______, showing no signs of panic or distress.
  14. 28. The scratches on the surface of the table did not ____ its overall beauty, but they were noticeable.
  15. 29. They managed to ________ a plan to surprise their friend for her birthday, despite her suspicions.
  16. 34. After hiking for hours, his cheeks were _____ from the cold and exertion.
  17. 38. The film served as a heartfelt ______ to the pioneers of cinema.
  18. 41. The knight made a deep _______ before the king, showing his loyalty.
  19. 43. She felt a surge of ________ when she heard the unfair treatment of her colleague.