The Gothic Unit

  1. 2. The narrator attempts to cheer Roderick up in 3 ways: singing, reading, and _____.
  2. 5. High emotion, terror, panic and/or fear that is exaggerated and heightened
  3. 9. setting of "HTO"
  4. 11. Roderick dies of _____.
  5. 12. an element in the Gothic that may cause the reader to feel “creeped out” or unsettled.
  6. 13. Roderick Usher and the narrator are friends from _____.
  7. 14. irene's hobby
  8. 16. these types of arches were utilized in gothic architecture
  1. 1. Where is Madeline's body put away?
  2. 3. In "WIH?" the stranger often recalls his past at the house, this is called _____.
  3. 4. ornamental stonework
  4. 6. this type of statue is used as a rain spout and to ward off evil spirits
  5. 7. In "WIH?" the stranger makes one last request to go where?
  6. 8. Foreshadowing of negative events through portents or visions
  7. 10. a character we never meet in "WIH?"
  8. 15. the narrator's sister in "HTO"