The Great Depression and New Deal

  1. 2. President who thought the Great Depression was normal
  2. 3. Practice of making high-risk investments in hopes of obtaining large profits
  3. 9. President of the US who started the New Deal
  4. 12. New Deal program that built dams in Tennessee
  5. 13. Radio broadcasts of FDR assuring Americans
  6. 15. General term to describe Dust Bowl refugees
  7. 16. FDR threatened this to get his way
  8. 17. Programs and legislation passed to combat the Depression
  9. 19. local and state government act as agents of relief
  1. 1. Percent of workers out of working during the Depression
  2. 4. Economic theory that focused on public works projects
  3. 5. The number of goals in the first New Deal
  4. 6. Makeshift shanty towns set up by homeless people during the Depression
  5. 7. Theory that holds that financial benefits given to the top will ____________ down to consumers
  6. 8. WWI vets who demanded early bonus payment
  7. 10. New Deal program that brought electricity to rural areas
  8. 11. Central/Southern Great Plains in the 1930s
  9. 14. Process by which government officials return persons to their country of origin
  10. 18. What many Americans felt during the Depression