The Great Depression and the New Deal

  1. 2. When people bought and sold shares on the Stock Market, trying to guess which stocks would make them rich quick
  2. 3. The New Deal program that built dams in the Tennessee Valley that provided jobs as well as flood control and electricity.
  3. 6. homeless camps named for the president who people blamed for the Depression
  4. 8. The practice of some companies to falsely inflate the value of their stocks on the Stock Market.
  1. 1. He was president when the Stock Market Crashed and the Great Depression began.
  2. 4. The initials of the man who won the presidency in 1932.
  3. 5. Major dust storms on the Great Plains brought about by droughts that occurred during the Depression.
  4. 7. The New Deal Program that insured bank deposits.
  5. 9. The New Deal program that provided jobs for young men in national parks and national forests.