The Great Depression, the New Deal, and World War II Review

  1. 1. The term given to President Herbert Hoover's belief that Americans needed to work harder to lift themselves out of the Great Depression.
  2. 5. First name of the symbol used during World War II that represented women empowerment and women's larger role in the workforce.
  3. 7. This famous company was best known during World War II for producing propaganda films for the U.S. government.
  4. 8. The name given to shack towns that formed during the Great Depression due to the high amount of homeless Americans. They named the shack towns after the President who they blamed for the Great Depression.
  5. 11. This invention changed the way Americans lived by allowing them to listen to sporting events and feel more connected.
  6. 12. The use of this weapon on Japan led to the end of World War II.
  7. 14. Today, parts of cities that were marked as red in the 1930s and denied access to home loans often have higher rates of what?
  8. 16. The name given to the series of programs, projects, and reforms to help lift the United States out of the Great Depression.
  9. 18. The term given to the discriminatory housing practice during the 1930s that led to White Americans being given access to home loans and Black Americans being denied home loans.
  10. 19. This invention changed the way Americans lived by allowing them to travel in ways they never could before.
  1. 2. Irresponsible investing in this led to its crash in 1929, which officially started the Great Depression in the United States.
  2. 3. A New Deal program that tried to fix a long existing problem in the United States was known as what type of program?
  3. 4. Japan's attack on this led to the United States getting involved during World War II.
  4. 6. One of the reasons there is a racial wealth gap today is because there is a large gap in this between White and Black Americans.
  5. 9. Japanese Americans were forced into these types of camps for years during World War II, despite there being little evidence of their disloyalty.
  6. 10. After Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, Japanese Americans were unjustly viewed as this in the United States.
  7. 13. The U.S. government started a massive campaign of this to communicate its war goals to the American public.
  8. 15. The term used to describe the "new" woman of the 1920s who challenged cultural expectations for women
  9. 17. Black Americans suffered from very high rates of this during the Great Depression.
  10. 20. The group who were unjustly blamed for causing the Great Depression were people of which descent?