  1. 3. the treaty of versailles gave blame to this country.
  2. 4. during the world war there was a shortage of food and _______.
  3. 11. soldiers got shell-_______ due to loud booming noises.
  4. 12. were used to sink cargo ships.
  5. 14. a contry that doesn't takeany side is called what
  6. 15. during the war food was scarce so it was______, or equally distributed.
  7. 17. they were the revolutionaries who formed the communist and came to power after Nicholas the second was overthrown.
  8. 18. their homes were bombarded and invaded by enemies.
  9. 19. _________ including smallpoxand maesleskilled many people.
  10. 21. posters _______men to enlist in war.
  11. 22. many children became _______ due to the death of many men
  12. 23. a person who pulled rusia out of the war and signed a peace treaty with germany.(first name only)
  13. 25. to seperate by race or color
  1. 1. posters incouraged them towork in factories.
  2. 2. name of treaty that led to world war two eventually.
  3. 5. the time when exploration of an area was used to gather military information
  4. 6. germany asked what country to declare war on america.
  5. 7. the british did this with its navals to block germany from getting their supplies from allies.
  6. 8. one who is injured,killed, captured, or missing during war.
  7. 9. the ______ is the battlefront area where the combat occurs.
  8. 10. people who had to eat stale crackers and cold food.
  9. 13. early in the war people__________,or looked over the parts and features of ,the area before the started fighting
  10. 16. the countries belonging to the triple allience were germany, austria-hungary and _________.
  11. 17. the countries belonging to the triple trente were france, russia and _________.
  12. 20. this is when you add posters everywhere based on real or misleading facts to spread and promote a cause.
  13. 24. when men went to war, they couldn't _______ leading to food sortages.