The Great War

  1. 2. Peace agreement signed by Germany in June 1919
  2. 4. groups of warships that accompanies and protects merchant and troop vessels
  3. 5. payments made by defeated nations for the damages they caused during the war
  4. 7. agreement to stop fighting
  5. 8. British passenger ship sunk by a German submarine in 1915
  6. 10. Peace plan offered by Woodrow Wilson at the end of World War I
  7. 11. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire during World War I
  8. 12. policy Wilson urged Americans to follow during the early years of World War I
  1. 1. created by President Wilson in 1917 which allowed the United States to draft men into the military
  2. 3. Germany's plan to avoid fighting a war on two fronts
  3. 6. right of a country to decide its future and its own form of government
  4. 9. France, Britain, and Russia during World War I