- 5. co-inventor of magnetic core memory
- 8. one of the first inventors of the mechanical calculator.
- 9. the first to devise the theory of machine-independent programming languages
- 10. designed the first general-purpose electronic digital computer
- 12. designed ENIAC alongside J. Presper Eckert
- 16. Made the mark I computer
- 17. the discoverer of logarithms
- 20. invented the first electronic digital computer
- 1. created a program for Charles Babbage.
- 2. invented the first mechanical computer
- 3. considered to be the father of theoretical computer science.
- 4. played an important role in the development of the earliest programmable loom
- 6. founder of Microsoft.
- 7. first professor of mathematics at Queen's College.
- 11. co-inventor of the handheld calculator and the thermal printer
- 13. developed an electromechanical tabulating machine
- 14. led the team that invented and implemented FORTRAN
- 15. invented calculus in addition to many other branches of mathematics
- 18. a pioneer in building the mathematical framework of quantum physics,
- 19. founded NM Electronics-which later became Intel Corporation.