The Greek Deities

  1. 2. ferried the souls of the dead across the water in the Underworld
  2. 7. Juno, Protector of Marriage
  3. 8. Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth
  4. 9. Neptune, Ruler of the Sea
  5. 11. Diana, Lady of Wild Things
  6. 15. three sisters of the Gorgons who share an eye
  7. 17. the Titan who was the savior of mankind
  8. 18. a singing half-woman, half-bird creature that lures men to their deaths
  9. 21. Titan who bears the world on his shoulders
  10. 22. sea god that can predict the future and shape-shift
  11. 23. King of the Winds
  1. 1. Aphrodite's son, known as Cupid
  2. 2. the Titan who ruled over the others until his son Zeus dethroned him
  3. 3. Vulcan, God of Fire
  4. 4. Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty
  5. 5. Muse of Epic Poetry
  6. 6. Bacchus, God of Wine
  7. 10. Ceres, Goddess of the Harvest
  8. 12. Pluto, God of Wealth and Protector of the Underworld
  9. 13. three dragon-like, immortal creatures whose look turns men to stone
  10. 14. Jupiter, Lord of the Sky
  11. 16. Minerva, Goddess of Wisdom and War
  12. 19. God of music, prophecy, and healing--often seen with a lyre
  13. 20. Mercury, Messenger of the Gods
  14. 21. Mars, God of War