The Greek Mind

  1. 3. Historian who rejected the idea that the gods influenced people
  2. 5. To make information public; to tell a secret
  3. 6. A philosopher from Athens who had his students record his beliefs
  4. 7. The art of public speaking and debate
  5. 8. In spite of, regardless of
  6. 13. To refuse to accept or consider
  7. 14. A Greek word meaning "love of wisdom"
  8. 17. Greek Doctor who developed the Hippocratic oath
  9. 18. Human beings, persons
  1. 1. Developed the Pythagorean theorem
  2. 2. Book written by Plato where he organizes society into three groups
  3. 4. _____________ Method that teaches students to think for themselves
  4. 9. A philosopher who was one of Socrates students
  5. 10. Greek scientist how studied astronomy and mathematics
  6. 11. Considered the "father of history"
  7. 12. Greek philosopher who thought the government into three parts
  8. 15. Group in Athens who Plato thought needed more rights
  9. 16. Greek teachers of philosophy, reasoning, and public speaking