The Han Dynasty

  1. 1. The religious ideas brought back to the Han government
  2. 4. An invention used by Han farmers that made it easier to move water from low irrigation ditches and canals up to the fields
  3. 6. The type of government China had during the time of the Han Dynasty
  4. 10. A group of Chinese people who record the appearance of comets, study the moon and learned that solar eclipses occur when the moon blocks the view of the sun
  5. 12. Before the invention of paper, this was something that the Chinese used to write on
  6. 13. A challenging product to make during the Han Dynasty; this product was very valuable because it was in high demand outside of China
  7. 17. A scientific invention created by the Chinese that helped them detect earthquakes that were hundreds of miles away
  8. 18. An important trade item in the Han Dynasty; this item was valuable to preserve meat and vegetables
  9. 19. Han farmers used this tool that was often made of iron
  1. 2. One of the healing techniques that the Chinese used; this process includes inserting thin needles into the body with the intention of rebalancing the forces of yin and yang
  2. 3. An invention created by the Hans to move goods from one place to another
  3. 5. A technology used by the Han Dynasty that helped them create strong, quality armor
  4. 7. The art of fine handwriting
  5. 8. An invention in China that improved the way that people communicated
  6. 9. An instrument that helps determine direction
  7. 11. A Chinese healing technique where a moxa is placed on the skin and burned in order to reduce pain and promote healing
  8. 14. Another piece of Han warfare technology
  9. 15. One of the natural disasters that could have prevented Han farmers from harvesting crops
  10. 16. A piece of Han warfare technology that was used to send messages from one part of an army to another