The Hate u Give

  1. 4. Where Starr explaining "the incident'
  2. 6. Where Starr moved to
  3. 9. How old Khalil and Starr met
  4. 10. The face of fear
  5. 12. Physical actions between Hailey and Starr
  6. 13. The badge number of who killed Khalil
  7. 15. Where Starr grew up
  8. 16. the app that caused drama between Starr and Hailey
  9. 18. The main character
  10. 19. The topic of the joke Hailey made to Starr
  1. 1. Starr's high school
  2. 2. a characteristic Starr said about Khalil
  3. 3. Their Jesus
  4. 5. What Khalil sold
  5. 7. What happened to Khalil
  6. 8. Her older half brother
  7. 11. "the hate you give"
  8. 14. who Khalil sold stuff for
  9. 17. Starr's childhood friend