The Hate U Give

  1. 4. Starr's friend who gets shot in a traffic stop
  2. 5. Starr's youngest brother
  3. 8. Seven's mother, dating King
  4. 9. Starr's neighborhood (2 words)
  5. 11. Verdict in Brian (Officer 115)'s case
  6. 13. Starr's preferred social media
  7. 15. The main character of "The Hate U Give"
  8. 16. Starr's oldest brother
  9. 19. Starr's friend that got killed when she was young
  10. 20. Starr's boyfriend
  11. 21. Piece of clothing left by King at Khalil's funeral
  12. 22. Starr's high school
  1. 1. Starr's dad, an ex-member of King Lords
  2. 2. Starr's attorney
  3. 3. Starr's uncle who took care of her when maverick was in jail
  4. 4. The leader of King Lords, Iesha's boyfriend
  5. 6. Starr's friend, they share a brother(Seven)
  6. 7. Starr's ex-friend at Williamson
  7. 10. Object that was "Mistaken" for a gun during Khalil's murder
  8. 12. A picture of this boy was reposted shortly before Hailey removed Starr (2 words)
  9. 14. Starr's mom, husband of maverick
  10. 17. Starr's friend at Williamson
  11. 18. Officer 115, who shot Khalil