The Hate U Give

  1. 3. Starr's uncle
  2. 4. The H in THUG
  3. 6. About gangs, according to Starr's dad
  4. 7. The E in LIFE
  5. 10. Starr's neighbourhood
  6. 11. Co-founder of Black Panther party
  7. 12. Shot by officer 115
  8. 14. Starr's Dad
  9. 15. One of the local gangs
  10. 16. The other gang
  11. 18. Hiding from King
  1. 1. Starr's boyfriend
  2. 2. Was killed in a drive-by shooting
  3. 5. Calls Starr a coward
  4. 8. Murdered at 14 for whistling
  5. 9. Starr's other world
  6. 13. Ex-friend with a prejudice problem
  7. 17. Starr's brother