The Hate U Give

  1. 4. The system that society places on "Little Infants
  2. 7. the place where Starr lives
  3. 8. The name of Starr's school
  4. 10. Starr sits out of the ______ that happens at Williamson.
  1. 1. The officer who murdered Khalil's bath number
  2. 2. Starr's father figure who was there while her dad was in jail
  3. 3. The little girl that was killed by a drive-by when Starr was 10.
  4. 5. Code name for the King Lords (hint: they beat up Mr Lewis):
  5. 6. Starr's boyfriend from Williamson
  6. 9. The King Lords beat up Mr Lewis because he gave a live ________.