The Hate U Give Crossword

  1. 4. The cinema was very dirty; there was popcorn in the __________ and the seats were covered in trash.
  2. 6. I had to go to the party with my parents! It was very ______________.
  3. 7. My parents always ______________ me of being lazy, but I think I am hard working.
  4. 8. Wearing makeup is usually a ______________ activity; men don't often do this.
  5. 10. I ______________ that you can slam dunk a basketball. I just don't believe it!
  6. 13. I cannot understand students who ___________; they need to speak clearly!
  7. 14. This house looks ______________; I am sure that I have been here before, because I remember this house.
  1. 1. The exams really ____________ the students because they are so long and difficult. Students are quite scared of them!
  2. 2. I ____________ at the clock every 5 minutes when I take exams; I always want to know how much time I have.
  3. 3. My students _____________ me for higher grades at the end of the year.
  4. 5. I think my brother ________________ me of stealing his money because I bought a new phone. He was looking at me in a strange way this morning.
  5. 9. We went to my grandfather's _______________ yesterday. He was 91 years old when he died.
  6. 11. My friend has a drinking problem, I think I should _______________ him about the problem and talk about it.
  7. 12. Blue whales ______________ from the water and jump in the air when they breach.