  1. 2. smallest type of artery
  2. 5. sac that surrounds the heart
  3. 8. other name for the av bundle
  4. 9. smallest type of blood vessel
  5. 13. sound of turbulent blood flow through a valve
  6. 17. Pacemaker of the heart
  7. 18. heart muscle
  8. 20. ventricular contraction
  9. 23. artery that carries deoxygenated blood in a fetus
  10. 24. pumping chambers of the heart
  11. 26. ventricular contraction
  12. 28. atrial contraction
  13. 29. largest artery by diameter
  14. 30. lack of oxygen
  15. 33. pumps blood out to the lungs to get oxygen
  1. 1. the largest chamber of the heart
  2. 3. blood clot
  3. 4. type of circulation that moves blood from the heart to the lungs
  4. 6. middle of the sternum where the heart sits
  5. 7. takes blood back to the heart
  6. 10. fibers that help carry the electrical signal around the ventricles
  7. 11. connects PA and Aorta before birth
  8. 12. takes blood away from the heart
  9. 14. valve between the LA and LV
  10. 15. relaxation phase of blood pressure
  11. 16. moving blood clot
  12. 19. arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle
  13. 21. pain in the chest
  14. 22. the innermost layer of the sac that surrounds the heart
  15. 25. contraction phase of blood pressure
  16. 27. smallest type of vein
  17. 31. divides the atrium and ventricles
  18. 32. receiving chambers of the heart