The Hebrews and Early Jewish History Part 1 of 2

  1. 1. During a difficult period in Canaan, some Hebrews chose to migrate to _____________.
  2. 3. The Church of the Holy __________ (tomb) is the holiest church in Christendom. Christians believe it is on the location where Jesus Christ was crucified and entombed.
  3. 4. The sacred agreement made between God and Abraham is an example of a _____________. It is the first one made with God.
  4. 6. Soon after Passover is the holiday named _____________. It commemorates the time the Hebrews spent wandering in the desert after leaving Egypt. Some Jews live in makeshift booths during this holiday to simulate the experience of the Hebrews.
  5. 8. According to Muslims, _____________ ascended to heaven from the rock where Abraham was going to sacrifice his son Isaac. The Dome of the Rock covers this rock now.
  6. 10. The ________ is the holiest text in Judaism. It contains the Five Books of Moses. God’s commandments are contained within one of these books named Exodus.
  7. 11. The Hebrew Bible is essentially the Old _____________ of the Christian Bible.
  8. 12. ____________ is another name used for the region that includes modern Israel.
  9. 16. According to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, ___________ is the first prophet. This means that he was the first individual to make a covenant with God.
  10. 17. In exchange for worshiping Yahweh (God in Genesis) as the one and only God, Yahweh led Abraham and his family to ___________, a region that is essentially modern Israel.
  11. 18. According to the Bible, Abraham lived in the Sumerian city-state named ________.
  12. 19. A prophet named _________ led the Hebrews out of Egypt, across the Red Sea, and into the Sinai Peninsula.
  13. 20. In a famous Biblical story, Abraham’s grandson and Isaac’s son Jacob wrestled with an angel who nicknamed him ______________. This means “One who wrestles with God.”
  14. 22. The Hebrew word for commandments is ____________. It also translates as “an act of kindness.”
  15. 23. Jacob’s _______________ refers to a dream during which Isaac’s son Jacob saw angels ascending and descending a ladder (stairway). This demonstrates the communication between man and God through angels.
  1. 2. The ___________ is the Hebrew term for the Hebrew Bible. It is an acronym made from the first letters of its three main parts of the Hebrew Bible written in Hebrew: Torah, Prophets, and Writings.
  2. 3. The Jewish holiday named __________ commemorates God’s giving of the Torah to Moses on Mt. Sinai.
  3. 5. The part of the Hebrew Bible that tells the story of the Hebrews’ flight from bondage in Egypt is called _____________.
  4. 6. After many years in Egypt, the Hebrews were made ___________ of the pharaoh. These are people forced to work and obey another person and are considered property.
  5. 7. The Jewish holiday that commemorates the Hebrews’ Exodus from Egypt is called ___________.
  6. 9. Moses is Judaism’s most important prophet because he made a covenant between the Hebrew people and God and because he received 613 _____________ from God on Mt. Sinai.
  7. 12. God unleashed ten _____________ on Egypt to convince the pharaoh to let the Hebrews leave. The last of these, death of the firstborn son, caused the death of the pharaoh’s favorite son and led him to allow the Hebrews to exit Egypt.
  8. 13. God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son _________ on a rock on the top of the Temple Mount (Mount Moriah) in Jerusalem.
  9. 14. The greatest enemy of the Hebrews in Canaan was the group named the _____________. They may have been descendants of the Sea Peoples who invaded different parts of the eastern Mediterranean in c. 1200 B.C.
  10. 15. The most sacred part of Passover is the _____________ meal. During this meal, things eaten, texts read, and rituals performed commemorate the experience of Hebrews during the Exodus.
  11. 21. After climbing down Mt. Sinai, Moses destroyed a golden calf worshiped by the Hebrews because a commandment he received from God forbade ___________ worship.