The History and Society of Al-Andalus

  1. 1. a material learnt from the Chinese
  2. 6. taxes
  3. 7. cloth produced by weaving textile fibers
  4. 8. silver coins
  5. 10. the capital in 1146
  6. 11. was the foundation of the economy
  7. 14. to end
  8. 16. the largest group
  9. 20. an irrigation technique
  10. 21. women took part in copying these
  11. 22. were on the peninsula before the arrival of Muslims
  1. 2. people from the north of Africa
  2. 3. non-muslims
  3. 4. from noble families originally from the Middle East
  4. 5. christians who converted to islam
  5. 7. the process of making a metal object by heating it and hammering it
  6. 9. Christians who hadn't converted to Islam
  7. 12. basis
  8. 13. gold coins
  9. 15. the Muslim name for the peninsula
  10. 17. islamic people from North Africa
  11. 18. the capital from 929 - 1035
  12. 19. revolts