Legends & History of Valentine's Day Beginnings

  1. 1. The person who sells flowers and often has a busy day on Valentine's day
  2. 3. The sweet treat that was introduced to Europe by the Spanish and became associated with Valentine's day in the 19th century
  3. 7. The company that produced the first mass-produced valentines in 1913
  4. 11. The name of the jailer's daughter who was healed from blindness by Saint Valentine
  5. 12. The Roman goddess of love and beauty who is the mother of Cupid
  6. 14. The type of flowers that are the most popular gift on Valentine's day
  7. 15. The French city that is known as the "City of Love" and the destination of many romantic trips
  8. 16. The gemstone that is often used in engagement rings and is the birthstone of February
  9. 19. The woman who is credited with sending the first written valentine in English in 1477
  10. 20. The birds that represent peace and fidelity on Valentine's day
  1. 2. The ancient Roman festival of fertility and spring that preceded Valentine'sday
  2. 4. The symbol of love and the shape of Saint Valentine's relics
  3. 5. The poet who first linked Valentine's day with romantic love in his work "The Parliament of Fowls"
  4. 6. The fabric that comes from the Latin word for "catch" and is used to make valentines
  5. 8. The pope who replaced Lupercalia with Saint Valentine's day in the 5th century
  6. 9. The Roman god of love who is often depicted with a bow and arrow
  7. 10. The Italian city where Romeo and Juliet, the star-crossed lovers of Shakespeare's play, lived
  8. 13. The Roman emperor who outlawed marriage and ordered the execution of Saint Valentine
  9. 17. The color of passion and blood that is associated with Valentine's day
  10. 18. The Greek name of Cupid, the god of love