The History of Southeast Asia

  1. 2. General who helped rebuild Japan
  2. 4. the forgotten war that end with two countries divided on the 38th Parallel
  3. 7. The reason we got into the Korean and Vietnam war
  4. 10. Indian Lwayer who protested in India
  5. 12. type of protest used by Ghandi
  6. 13. Square where Chinese government violently put down protests
  7. 16. Groups of students that enforced communist policies
  8. 17. Theory that if one country fell to communism all surrounding countries woudl too.
  9. 18. Extrem pride in one's country
  10. 19. Communist leader of Vietnam
  1. 1. document created by Macarthur to rebuild Japan
  2. 3. economic plan of Mao and the communists that failed.
  3. 5. name of biggest bomb dropped on Japan
  4. 6. movement by the communists to remove old nationalists from China.
  5. 8. Country that once controlled India
  6. 9. Former teacher that brought the Communist party into power in China
  7. 11. war in which the US fought an enemy they couldn't see and lost
  8. 14. Nationalist leader forced out by Mao and the communists
  9. 15. name of Japanese Emperor that surrendered