The history of Thanksgiving

  1. 2. the city where the parade is held
  2. 4. the battle that inspired congress to standardize the celebration
  3. 9. the group credited for the first Thanksgiving
  4. 11. the base of the iconic thanksgiving sauce
  5. 12. a thanksgiving dinner must have
  6. 13. The sight of the first thanksgiving
  7. 15. The month when Thanksgiving is celebrated
  8. 17. the bird actually eaten at the first Thanksgiving
  1. 1. the tribe that celebrated with the pilgrims
  2. 3. the name of the harvest festival feast
  3. 5. the day of the week thanksgiving is celebrated on
  4. 6. the name of the festival that inspired thanksgiving
  5. 7. the nfl team that came up with the idea of a thanksgiving day game
  6. 8. the president who officialized thanksgiving
  7. 10. the first name of the woman who sought to make thanksgiving an official holiday
  8. 14. the department store that hosts an annual parade for Thanksgiving
  9. 16. the group that decided the 13 colonies mustt celebrate thanksgiving