The Hobbit

  1. 5. Who saved the dwarfs and Bilbo on many occassions?
  2. 6. Who is the Carrock?
  3. 8. Trolls can't see the light of the sun, or they will turn to _______.
  4. 9. Gollum has this on his island and received it as a birthday present.
  5. 10. Beorn is usually in the form of a _____.
  6. 13. Gollum and Bilbo play this game back and forth.
  7. 15. The war at the end of the novel.
  8. 18. The Lord of the Eagles soon became ____ __ ____ _____.
  9. 21. Who makes fun of the dwarf's beards?
  10. 22. He lived by the dark water in the goblin's cave and was a small slimy creature.\
  11. 24. Who was "as noble and as fair in face as an elf lord, as strong as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of dwarves, and as kind as summer"? (p.49)
  12. 25. What captured the dwarfs in chapter eight?
  13. 26. Who is the hobbit?
  14. 27. How many dwarfs showed up at the hobbit's house?
  15. 28. What is Gandalf?
  1. 1. These creatures at dwarfs and ponies.
  2. 2. Bilbo is not ________ at the beginning of the novel.
  3. 3. This dwarf went a bit into the hidden passage on Lonely Mountain with Bilbo.
  4. 4. Bilbo took this from the dragon's treasure pile.
  5. 6. The fattest dwarf.
  6. 7. How many trolls were there?
  7. 11. Freed all of the dwarfs from the Wood-elves' caves.
  8. 12. Who was the enormously important dwarf?
  9. 14. "...steal gold and jewels, you know, from men and elves and dwarves, wherever they can find them; and they guard their plunder as long as they live, and never enjoy a brass ring of it." What is Thorin describing?
  10. 16. Saved Gandalf, the dwarfs and Bilbo from the fire, goblins and the wargs.
  11. 17. Warg
  12. 19. Killed Smaug.
  13. 20. Smaug hates ______.
  14. 23. What did the dwarf's use to help make travelling easier?