The Hobbit

  1. 4. what is the job of Bilbo?
  2. 7. what was the last wish of Thorin? that he died as.....
  3. 8. what is the only thing Thorin got from his father?
  4. 9. what kind of animals try to catch the dwarves and bilbo the whole story long?
  5. 10. what kind of animal is Bilbo?
  6. 12. what is the back name of the leader?
  7. 13. who change in stone when the sunlight hits hiom?
  8. 15. Where is the first place they met elves?
  9. 16. Where live hobbits?
  10. 19. who send the dwarves to the house of Bilbo?
  1. 1. who can change himself into a bear?
  2. 2. what does hobbits have on there feet?
  3. 3. what does dwarves hate the most?
  4. 5. how is the biggest diamond called?
  5. 6. what is the name of the dragon who settled him in the lonely mountain?
  6. 9. Where did bilbo saved the dwarves whit barrels?
  7. 11. who is the leader of the dwarves?
  8. 14. where did bilbo saved the dwarves from the spiders
  9. 17. what makes bilbo invisible?
  10. 18. who slayed the dragon?