- 3. We celebrate the New ___ on December 31.
- 6. The ___ drop is a big part of the N.Y.C. public New Year's celebration.
- 7. One tradition is to stay up until at least ___ at a party.
- 9. The new year is often depicted as a ___.
- 10. The ___ parade takes place every year in Pasadena on January 1st.
- 11. Many people gather in ___ Square in N.Y.C. to celebrate the new year.
- 1. Some people celebrate the New Year by shooting off ____.
- 2. Many people make New Year ____ or promises.
- 4. One traditional New Year's alcoholic drink is ___.
- 5. The old year is often depicted as an old ___.
- 8. New Year's ___ is associated with football and parades.