The Holy Eucharist

  1. 2. Jesus' teaching on the Eucharist is in this Gospel.
  2. 5. We also find Revelation in the _______.
  3. 9. Christ commanded the Apostles to do this in ________ of me.
  4. 13. The bread used at Mass is ____________.
  5. 14. The Eucharist is a _____________ sign.
  6. 16. The Mass also signifies the ______ of the Mystical Body.
  7. 17. The Mass also signifies Christ's _______.
  8. 19. Essence as a source of activity.
  9. 23. One word which expresses what a thing is.
  10. 24. The Mass also signifies our future grace and _____.
  1. 1. Bread and wine become the sign at the _____.
  2. 3. What makes a thing do what it does.
  3. 4. The Eucharist is also a __________ Sacrament.
  4. 6. The Eucharist gives ____________ to the soul.
  5. 7. This Council defined the Holy Eucharist.
  6. 8. At Mass the bread and wine become _____ for our souls.
  7. 10. This is the Holy Eucharist as a Sacrifice.
  8. 11. What we must turn to for the essence and nature of spiritual things.
  9. 12. Christ's presence is ________ as long as the accidents remain.
  10. 15. Where we find Revelation written down.
  11. 18. At Mass the matter is a sign that ___________.
  12. 20. This is Revelation handed down to us.
  13. 21. We call Christ's presence in the sacrament the _____ presence.
  14. 22. This teaching is found in the letter of _________ to the Corinthians.