
  1. 1. when thunder and lightning occurs
  2. 4. similar to hot
  3. 6. big ball of red and yellow in the sky
  4. 8. when I sit in the sun I become…
  5. 9. during the summer it is very ….
  6. 11. we see this in the sky before thunder
  7. 12. when rain forms into small crystals of ice
  8. 14. very slippery when walking on this
  9. 16. when it is below 0 Celcius
  10. 17. similar to cold
  1. 2. we measure this in Celsius
  2. 3. we need umbrellas when it does this
  3. 5. when I jump in water I become…
  4. 7. we hear this after lightning
  5. 10. these often block out the sun
  6. 13. air blowing around us
  7. 15. during the winter it is very ….
  8. 16. often in the early mornings, this makes it difficult to see