The human body

  1. 2. contracts in when inhaling causes the lungs to expand
  2. 3. this blood cell clogs your blood
  3. 4. the bottom two chambers of the heart
  4. 5. smallest blood vessels carrying nutrients and oxygen to every cell
  5. 6. Main artery pumps blood to your head
  6. 9. pumps blood, main organ in the circulatory system
  7. 11. blood vessels transporting the blood back to the heart
  8. 13. this type of digestion is done by the stomach when food is disolved
  9. 14. this type of digestion is done by the mouth (teeth)
  10. 15. wave like contraction that pushes food down
  11. 17. pumps blood away from the heart
  12. 18. this blood cell fights disease
  13. 19. this system is involved in the removal of wastes from your body
  1. 1. the organ that absorbs most of the nutrients you've eaten and transfers them to your bloodstream
  2. 2. this system is involved in breaking down food and absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream
  3. 7. this system is involved with breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide
  4. 8. the top 2 chambers of the heart
  5. 10. special tissue of your lungs where gas exchange occurs
  6. 12. the system involved pumping blood around the body
  7. 16. this blood cell carries oxygen and energy through your cells