The Human Respiratory System

  1. 1. Capacity/ The maximum volume of air that a mammal can inhale and exhale with each breath.
  2. 5. The throat region where the air and food passages cross.
  3. 7. Pressure Breathing/ A breathing system in which air is pulled into the lungs.
  4. 9. A fine branch of the bronchi that transport air to alveoli.
  5. 10. The alternate inhalation and exhalation of air.
  6. 11. The dead-end air sacs within the lung where gas exchange occurs.
  7. 12. The windpipe; the portion of the respiratory tube that passes from the larynx to the two bronchi.
  1. 2. The upper portion of the respiratory tract containing the vocal chords; also called the voice box.
  2. 3. The sheet of muscle separating the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.
  3. 4. Control Center/ The part of the medulla in the brain that directs the activity of organs involved in breathing.
  4. 6. A substance secreted by alveoli that decreases surface tension in the fluid that coats the alveoli.
  5. 8. Cords/ One of a pair of bands of elastic tissue in the larynx. Air rushing past the tensed vocal cords make them vibrate, producing sounds.
  6. 10. Pair of breathing tubes that branch from the trachea into the lungs.