The Human Respiratory System

  1. 4. Tiny air sacs where the exchange of gases between air and blood takes place.
  2. 5. The trachea divides into these right and left branches.
  3. 6. Smaller branches of the bronchi.
  4. 9. bronchial spasm resulting in decreased air movement and air trapped in the alveoli.
  5. 10. Inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes
  6. 11. Blood vessels surrounding the air sacs.
  7. 12. Moist membrane covering the lung and chest cavity wall on the inside.
  8. 13. Area at the back of the throat where the mouth and nasal cavity meet.
  1. 1. Flap of tissue which prevents food from entering windpipe during swallowing.
  2. 2. Tube leading from the larynx to the bronchi.
  3. 3. Opening to the windpipe.
  4. 7. Contains the vocal cords.
  5. 8. Flat sheet of muscle separating the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.
  6. 12. Infections of the lungs caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi.