The Hunger Games-English project

  1. 3. Who hosts the hunger games interviews
  2. 8. The author
  3. 9. How may people won?
  4. 11. District Twelves mentor
  5. 12. How may existing districts are there
  6. 13. Where do Peeta and Katniss live
  7. 15. Peeta's surname
  8. 17. The animal on Katniss's pin
  1. 1. Name of Katniss's best friend
  2. 2. Which number hunger games as this
  3. 4. Name of the city the hunger games is in
  4. 5. District Twelves stylist
  5. 6. Prim's Cat
  6. 7. President's surname
  7. 10. How are Prim and Katniss related
  8. 12. Number of previous winners from district twelve
  9. 14. How mant tributes were there?
  10. 16. District elevens tribute