The Hunger Games

  1. 5. what was given to katniss by peeta one night when it was raining
  2. 7. 12 katniss' home district
  3. 8. additional supplies at greater risk
  4. 10. highly deadly wasp
  5. 12. katniss' little sister
  6. 13. katniss' friend
  7. 14. the president of panem
  8. 17. the shape of katniss' iconic pin and her nick name
  9. 18. poison berries
  10. 19. the brother to katniss' ally
  1. 1. the name given to the children picked for the hunger games
  2. 2. the center of the hunger games
  3. 3. the country katniss lives in
  4. 4. book title
  5. 6. katniss' weapon of choice
  6. 9. the number given to the current hunger games
  7. 11. katniss' ally from district 11
  8. 12. love interest
  9. 15. what katniss' father died in
  10. 16. main character