The Hunger Games

  1. 3. This was the creature that was embedded on Katniss's pin.
  2. 6. She formed an alliance with Katniss while they were in The Hunger Games.
  3. 8. She volunteered tribute for Prim.
  4. 11. The society that created The Hunger Games.
  5. 12. She is Katniss's sister.
  6. 15. The perkie, simple-minded guide for Katniss.
  7. 16. The 12 districts lie in the ruins of what continent?
  8. 17. One kiss equals one bowl of ________.
  9. 18. She died from eating poisonous berries left by Peeta.
  10. 22. Katniss's hunting partner in District 12.
  11. 24. Along with the bow, Katniss got 12 _________.
  1. 1. The specialty that District 12 was directed to manufacture and manage.
  2. 2. The mentor of the Peeta and Katniss.
  3. 4. the occupied area in which at the beginning of The hunger Games, there was may supplies and resources.
  4. 5. The animal Katniss gave to Prim on her birthday.
  5. 7. Katniss's designer.
  6. 9. The first name of the author of The Hunger Games.
  7. 10. The hidden vehicle in the air that came to collect the dead tributes in the arena.
  8. 12. He was the male tribute of District 12.
  9. 13. Other than Peeta and Katniss, he was one of the last contenders in The Hunger Games.
  10. 14. He was one of the strongest and most robust of all the Hunger Games contenders.
  11. 19. Katniss, the girl who was on ____.
  12. 20. The last name of the author of this book.
  13. 21. Peeta was once a ___________ and he helped his father.
  14. 23. Katniss's most useful weapon.