The Indian Fan by Victoria Holt Crossword

  1. 3. - What title did Dougal Carruthers inherit from his uncle?
  2. 7. - Indian caretaker at the Framling house
  3. 8. - Drusilla's kidnapper
  4. 9. - What was the name of the chateau finishing school Drusilla and Lavinia went to?
  5. 13. - What is the name of Polly's adopted child?
  6. 14. - Last name of the sex trafficker Drusilla met while traveling.
  7. 15. - Who hid Lavinia when she was pregnant?
  8. 16. - Title Lavinia's catfisher gave himself.
  1. 1. - What is considered the gravest sin among the aristocrats?
  2. 2. - a small gray-headed crow that typically nests in tall buildings
  3. 4. - Who was expected to leap on her husband's funeral pyre?
  4. 5. - Another name for an Indian headdress
  5. 6. - Indian transport that rides on two long poles
  6. 10. - Colin Brady's job title
  7. 11. - What type of feathers made up Miss Lucille Framling's fan?
  8. 12. - Drusilla's caretaker and best friend
  9. 13. - What is the last name of the woman Lady Harriet's chose to marry Fabian?