The Industrial Revolution

  1. 3. Device used for long-distance communication
  2. 6. Inventor of the first American steam locomotive
  3. 8. Textile manufacturing model that employed young unmarried women
  4. 9. Father of the American industrial revolution
  5. 14. The shift from waterways to railroads and highways for transportation
  6. 17. Work stoppages organized by workers to protest labor conditions
  7. 19. Inventor of the water frame for spinning cotton
  8. 21. System of manufacturing large quantities of identical products
  9. 22. Producing maximum output with minimum waste
  10. 23. Inventor of the cotton gin and the idea of interchangeable parts
  11. 24. Businessman who developed the Lowell System
  1. 1. System of communication using dots and dashes
  2. 2. Inventor of the steel plow
  3. 3. Organized groups of workers formed to protect their rights and interests
  4. 4. Identical parts that can be used in place of one another
  5. 5. Application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
  6. 7. Cloth products made from weaving or knitting
  7. 10. Advocate for women's labor rights and working conditions
  8. 11. Inventor of the first practical sewing machine
  9. 12. Fulton's steamboat that navigated the Hudson River
  10. 13. Supreme Court case that established federal regulation of interstate commerce
  11. 15. Inventor of the steamboat
  12. 16. Inventor of the mechanical reaper
  13. 18. Inventor of the telegraph and Morse Code
  14. 20. Manufacturing system where workers were provided with raw materials